Thursday, April 23, 2009

What kind of homeschooler am I?

One of my favorite things to do is explore curricula, read books on homeschooling, and design plans for my own homeschool. I'm not so great at implementing them, though! I consider myself a neo-classical homeschooler, but we diverge from this pattern in a lot of ways. I allow my oldest to choose what he would like to do in Science, and in some other subjects.

Recently I've spent a lot of time looking into the Montessori method. I think if I had known more about it when The Orator was younger I would have started educating him this way. I may do it yet with The Smiler.

I've also spent a lot of time looking at the Charlotte Mason method. It doesn't work for us because it breaks readings down into such small segments, and we prefer a more experiment-based science program, as well as history chronologically rather than using two streams.

Right now I'm sitting here staring at three bookshelves full of homeschool supplies and books and trying to figure out how I can make better use of them. I need to add activities and projects back into our homeschool. I love to do them, and the oldest thrives on them.

This year we're going to continue on with ancient history and move into medieval history. I'll be using Mosaic's Myths, Marvels, and Legends as my base (, but adding several other components into the program. I'll probably use some of the projects from WinterPromise's Hideaways in History.

I find it hard to weave Orthodoxy into our daily homeschool life sometimes. It had always been my goal to write a curriculum that does this, but it's very hard to pin down what people really want.

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